Monday, December 30, 2019

Living not existing

The most difficult phase of your life
When the whole world seems to be against you.
You wallow in self doubt, self pity, self loathing
You raise a wall surrounding you,
You discourage yourself going out
meeting friends and family
You start distancing from family
and go into a shell
You enjoy being a prisoner inside
Your whole life crumbling around you
Your life becomes a hell 
Your breath becomes just air
Living just becomes existence
Some days dropping dead 
Seems better than living.

But something keeps you going
Hoping one day you turn around your life

You pull yourself up
Some angel pulls you up
The angel can be
Your family, your friend, 
Or may be your kid.

You restart your life from the deepest pit
You rebuild slowly brick by brick
You take your time to gain confidence
to face the world
And just in a matter of time
Years go by and you become a new self
With all the wounds healing, leaving the scars

People around you will not know
what you have gone through
Even you may not think about it now.

But suddenly,
an image crops up from your past
All your emotions floods back
Reminding you how successfully,
You have got out from hellhole
You may not be as successful as your friends
You may not have fulfilled your potential
But you know
You fought the toughest battle of your life
And living to tell the tale.
More than anything else
You are breathing and living, not existing.

Friday, December 20, 2019

அழகிய மலர்கள்

அன்னம் போன்ற வெண்மை 
வெண்மை போன்ற வாழ்க்கை
வாழ்க்கை தேடும் வசந்தம்
வசந்தம் தரும் வாசம்
உன் வாசமின்றி நான்
என் சுவாசமின்றி நீ
நீ நான்
அழகிய மலர்கள்

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Road to Nowhere

Back on the road
To reach destinations
Every day 
a different place and different room
But only constant is
Me hopping between places and hotels
Days dies away in the work
Nights whiles away in sleepless travels

Days becomes weeks, 
Weeks becomes months,
Months becomes years.

All this takes a toll on health
Sleepy eyes, zombie walks
Painful body and restless mind

But the worst hit is family
The relationships taken for granted

The daughter misses her play time 
She is frustrated, her father is always away
When he is with her, he only has excuses

The wife 
Juggling between demands of the job
And needs of the household
She too needs downtime
But too many needs and
Unavailable me makes her bursting at the seam

When im there,
Even simple pleasures like going out
has become a planned activity

Living like this all because
We want to make a better future for us
Whether there will be better us in future

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Living the life on edge

Living the life on edge
Getting adrenaline rush to do the job
Flying around countries
Helping the helpless
Giving succour to the needy
To just see a smile from them

Escaping from the firing rebels
Losing a friend to bullets
Bloody hell
Even shot at
Nearly dead for few days

All these were worthwhile
The camaraderie i shared with my friends
When i see the smiles of the kids
Its been a roller coaster ride
The ride i relished and enjoyed

Just confined to the house
With broken wings
And duties to fulfill for the family

Looking forward to the day
When i can pack and go back
The world needs people like me
With the commitment it takes 
to help people against all odds
Longing for the day
To live the life on edge

Love Prison

Love such a wonderful and divine feeling
For some 
Love makes them humane
For some
It elevates them to divine
Unconditional love liberates you
Without expectations
Love over powers you to be
The best of you
And make the one you love
The best of them.

But what if 
The same love 
Suffocates you
Restricts you
Pushes you to a corner
Raises a prison around you
And slowly
Kills deep inside of you

You slowly lose yourself 
You forgot who you were
You cant recognise who you have become
Even the simplest of pleasure
Has become a life goal
The past you, 
has become a distant dream.

But you want to reclaim the past
You want to become the older you.
The one who loved the man
The one who was loved by the man

But you think there is no way out
The love has become a prison
The prison of commitment
The prison of family
The prison of kids

You want to find the courage to break free
Searching for a way out
To break out of the bird cage
Fly away to the distant dream land.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Life surprises you
It throws up so many possibilties
At any age
At any time 
To anyone

When the life running like a rivulet
Suddenly a gush of flash flood happens
Floods of emotions
Bursting through veins
Heart beats like crazy
Adrenaline rushes makes you hyper
You are bursting at seams

Just in a moment everything changes
What you call a moment of madness
I call
A moment of perfection
Amidst all the imperfection in this world.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

My Life without Me

Crossing forty and looking back
Am a house wife..
Oh no no , a new monicker
Home maker
See everything is politically correct
Atleast in writing
Taking care of family happily
I think so.

When i look back
I was my Father's daughter
I was my Husband's wife
Iam my Kid's mother
In future
I will be some grandmother.
But where am i?

Oh i was me for few years
When i was in college,
I was the best of me
Exploring new me
Adoring friends,
Doting teachers
Secret crushes
Had the best days of me
Actually I was me

Even when i worked 
I had the better days of me
I was called my name
I was treated as me and equal
I had super fun as super woman
A woman for all seasons and reasons


I just miss those days,
I would love to be me
I dont want to be somebody's 
I want to be called as me.
Above all else
I want to find my new Self


Today happened to see a prison in passing. With high walls, security and restrictions, i could not avoid losing myself in thought.
Everyone is in some sort of prison, restricting themselves in it by themselves or by others or by circumstances for various reasons.

The prison can be their family
The prison can be their job
The prison can be their ego
The prison can be their spouses
The prison can be their kids
The prison can be their love

But the worst prison to be restricted is the mind.

We all want to break free of the prison we are living, its suffocation, its restrictions and eventually breath freely. Experiencing the magic of floating around and living freely can be the ultimate high everyone secretly wishes for.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Together getting to gather

Together getting to gather

Life is in a fast lane
Grinding out days with vagaries of life

Reminiscing about the memories of friends we made
Engage ourselves with the emoticons of virtual world
Longing for the day we spent among friends

When we finally gather together to celebrate,
Just felt like we are the same old same old friends 
With some lose of hair and gain of paunches.
Needed super imposing of the present image over the past one
Re establishing the missed connections, sharing about the past and present.
Surprises galore with who they are and what they are.
The day flew away 
with incessant laughter accompanied by the belly and made us 
Remembering about the past, relishing our present and rekindling our spirit for the future.

Thanks for the day and looking forward to another



Mom speaks mostly about her memories and stories.
Seen this, done that, cooked that, went there.
For us it may be boring
When people age it is the memories keeps them going...

When we live, we make memories
Happy, sad, agony, joys,love,pain
With our friends,family,partner,kids.

We can have everything in life
But if we don't have memorable life
We will not have anything to share

When our hair turns grey
When our skin wrinkles
When our walk slows down
All we left with is just our memories and stories
And people to share with it.

If not for our memories
We are just vegetables in human form.
The worst we could endure is
We lose our memory or
No one to share with it.

To the bright sunshine of my life

To the bright sunshine of my life.

Oh my beautiful
You are the breeze on a sunny day
You are the warmth on a cold night
You are the raft to cross the river
You are the life jacket in stormy ocean

You are the reason me being me

Oh baby
You are the smell im looking for
You are the hug i need now
You are the kiss my lips miss
Your smile is what keeps me going

the sweet headache of mine
You are the companion of my life jouney

Oh my beautiful
You are the bright sunshine of my life

Death of a friendship

Death of a friendship

Friendships die
Just like everything else

For lack of trust
For being hurt

For lack of communication 
For too much possessiveness

Due to our ego 
Due to imaginary walls

Some die a slow death
As we part ways in 
Interests or distance or job

The one which rankles the most is
The one which vanishes suddenly

No reason, no words, no idea, no contact

Its as if some part of your life taken away abruptly
You just can never forget, 
It is always eating your mind
Why? The question will always hit you.

You will search for the friend
Atleast to know Why?