The most difficult phase of your life
When the whole world seems to be against you.
You wallow in self doubt, self pity, self loathing
You raise a wall surrounding you,
You discourage yourself going out
meeting friends and family
You start distancing from family
and go into a shell
You enjoy being a prisoner inside
Your whole life crumbling around you
Your life becomes a hell
Your life becomes a hell
Your breath becomes just air
Living just becomes existence
Some days dropping dead
Seems better than living.
But something keeps you going
Hoping one day you turn around your life
You pull yourself up
Some angel pulls you up
The angel can be
Your family, your friend,
Or may be your kid.
You restart your life from the deepest pit
You rebuild slowly brick by brick
You take your time to gain confidence
to face the world
And just in a matter of time
Years go by and you become a new self
With all the wounds healing, leaving the scars
People around you will not know
what you have gone through
Even you may not think about it now.
But suddenly,
an image crops up from your past
All your emotions floods back
Reminding you how successfully,
You have got out from hellhole
You may not be as successful as your friends
You may not have fulfilled your potential
But you know
You fought the toughest battle of your life
And living to tell the tale.
More than anything else
You are breathing and living, not existing.